The John Heuerman Tennis Academy are offering all primary schools in Sevenoaks free tennis coaching to Reconnect children with fun activities while learning a new skill. All sessions are bespoke and tailor made for each participating school and held during the curriculum day. Follow up or additional courses can be offered in conjunction with the Lawn Tennis Association’s Youth Start Scheme or at The Hollybush Tennis Centre in Sevenoaks.
Reconnect is a Kent County Council led, community based programme designed to get Kent’s children and young people back to enjoying the activities and opportunities they took part in before COVID-19, as well as the chance to try new things along the way.
• For further information please email Yvette Clements at or view their website at
The John Heuerman Tennis Academy are also running the Lawn Tennis Association Youth Start Programme. The exciting initiative is being offered to anyone aged 4-11 who are new to tennis or are looking to start again at beginner level. The programme costs £29.99 (+£5 P&P) and includes:
• Six top-class tennis sessions with specially trained coaches
• A tennis racket and set of balls
• A branded t-shirt
• Activity cards, a lanyard, stickers and a certificate (provided by the coach)
To book the programme at Hollybush Tennis Centre just visit the Clubspark website at and search for Sevenoaks.