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HomeFITNESSPower training: boost your sports performance

Power training: boost your sports performance

Moe Pangarker, an Exercise Specialist at the Better Body Group, looks at incorporating power training into your fitness regime.

In the world of sports, whether it’s acing a serve in tennis, hurling a discus, or driving a golf ball, possessing explosive power can significantly elevate your performance. While honed techniques and skills are critical, the ability to rapidly generate maximum force—a capability known as power—is what truly distinguishes top athletes.
Moe Pangarker is an Exercise Specialist at the Better Body Group. For more information or any questions, please call their friendly and expert team on 01732 451979 or email them at
What is Power in Sports?
Power in athletics is defined as the capacity to exert the maximum amount of force in the shortest possible time. It is a crucial attribute across a wide array of sports, enhancing performance in both team and individual disciplines. This attribute works in tandem with strength, speed, and coordination, contributing significantly to success on the field or court.
The role of power in athletic performance
Power is indispensable in sports. For instance, in rugby, the ability to explosively ruck, tackle, and sprint is vital. In tennis or golf, rotational power directly influences your ability to execute precise, forceful shots. Essentially, maintaining power while ensuring fluid movement is fundamental across all sports disciplines, emphasising the importance of targeted power training.
Movements like throwing, jumping, and sprinting require athletes to exhibit varying degrees of power, posing unique challenges. While raw strength provides a solid foundation for movement, the ability to unleash power relies more on the capabilities of the central nervous system (CNS), particularly the speed and force of muscle contractions.
Developing strength to support power output, or rate of force development (RFD), is thus crucial. Studies indicate that athletes with higher RFD levels perform better in activities requiring explosive power than those with lower levels.
Factors affecting power development
Several elements influence an athlete’s power capacity:
• Muscle Fibre Type: Sports performance varies with muscle composition. Type 1 fibres are more endurance-oriented, while Type 2 fibres support quick, explosive movements, making them ideal for sports like sprinting and weightlifting.
• Maximal Strength: Crucial for power, strength is not just about the weight lifted but how quickly and effectively that force can be translated into sports performance.
• CNS Fatigue and Environmental Factors: Overtraining can lead to physical and mental fatigue, reducing effectiveness and increasing the risk of injury.
• Technique: Proper form is critical not only for peak performance but also for injury prevention.
Training Strategies for Enhanced Power
Training for power involves more than just following a routine; it requires a strategic approach tailored to the demands of your sport:
1. Strength Training: Engage in exercises using heavy loads (80-100% of maximum capacity) to build foundational strength. In some cases, pushing beyond 100% under 
supervision can be beneficial.
2. Speed Training: Incorporate lighter loads (0-60% of max) performed at high speeds to train muscles for quick, powerful contractions.
3. Personalisation: Since every athlete is unique, training regimens should be adjusted based on individual factors such as age, genetics, and physical condition. Experiment with different loads and speeds to find what best enhances your performance.
Power is a pivotal element in sports that should be prioritised alongside strength, speed, and sport-specific skills. Training should focus on movements that are both effective and enjoyable, ensuring that you not only improve your performance but also remain engaged and motivated.
If you’re serious about taking your sports performance to the next level, consider incorporating power training into your regime. Visit us at The Better Body Group to explore how our tailored training programs can help you harness your true athletic potential.


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