Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeSCHOOLSLady Boswell’s puts sport at the forefront

Lady Boswell’s puts sport at the forefront

Lady Boswell’s Primary School lies at the heart of Sevenoaks Town bordered by Sevenoaks Leisure Centre on one side, Sevenoaks Rugby Club on another and with Knole Park to the rear. How could the school not be inspired by these surroundings and have allowed it to influence their passion for sport, healthy living and the great outdoors?

This love of sport is also driven from within through outstanding teaching as well as staff who nurture their own passions for particular disciplines, and allow this to encourage and inspire their pupils to take part. Specialist PE teacher, Paul Putland, brings a breadth of experience and knowledge and allows the pupils to develop key skills in many sporting activities.

In non-COVID times the school offers a myriad of sports from hockey to swimming and from tag rugby to ballet (for the Reception children). Pre-Covid, the school normally boasts around 40–50 extra-curricular clubs offering additional creative, scientific and sporting opportunities.

All teachers will understand that importance of ‘brain breaks’ in the classroom, allowing the children a few minutes between lessons to stretch, move, clear their heads and be refreshed to return to their seats. As a result, last year a programme called ‘Fit in Five’ was introduced across the school; the start of one of these sessions is always met with great excitement and completed with unbounded enthusiasm. It proved to have an enormous impact on concentration and energy levels within the classroom.

In encouraging the youngest children (both Reception and Year 1) to enjoy healthy living, the school has expansive tailored outside play and learning areas and a stunning Forest School where many happy hours of exercise and investigative learning take place.

A love and interest in sport is nurtured throughout the school. With healthy competition being developed through inter-house competition and fixtures with other schools from the area. With inter-school competition not being possible during the last 16 months, and with the importance of ensuring that children remain in their class bubbles, Lady Boswell’s has, this year, taken a different approach. Jemima Harris, PE Subject Leader, explains: “We appreciate how important it is for the children to develop their ability to work collaboratively and team sport plays a key part in this. As a result, this year we have led inter-house sporting competitions in all Key Stage 2 classes with every child being encouraged to take part in cross country, netball, football, tag rugby and kwick cricket [sic]. We appreciate the importance of inspiring those who are a little reticent to join in; when these children see the part that they play within their team and feel the support of their house mates it certainly helps to develop their confidence”.

Co-Headteacher, Sharon Saunders said: “Lock down has clearly demonstrated the importance of exercise and the sense of freedom and joy that this brings. Our School has a holistic approach, with faith at the core of all that we do, but with wellbeing and sport walking hand-in-hand with academia. We want every child to leave us knowing that they are a unique child of God and with their heads inspired and their hearts enriched”.



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