Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeFITNESSFive Practical tips for coping with self isolation from the team at...

Five Practical tips for coping with self isolation from the team at The Better Body Group

There’s no questions about it; it’s been a pretty hectic few weeks for everyone. Whether your employed, self-employed, parent or not, life has been turned upside down for everyone in some way. So, this week, we thought we’d share 5 practical tips for coping with self-isolation:

1. Each night before you go to bed, jot down a vague routine of what you want to achieve the following day.
This may sound ridiculous but for many, routine is key to maintaining a health mind and in a situation where every day is changing, finding some routine may be an effective way of keeping on track. Some examples of daily items may include house chores that you never have time to get to, reconnecting with friends, either close or far, looking up a new recipe, planning a time to work out or even trying your hand at making bread. All these activities are great ideas and something that all the family can get stuck into.

2. Unless you’re under strict instructions to self-isolate, use your one outing a day wisely
Despite the (very) odd circumstances, we have been blessed with some beautiful weather so make the most of getting outside, whether this be a run or bike ride or even walking with a backpack to your local store to do your shopping instead of taking the car.

3. Remember to take a moment each day to breathe
Whether we like it or not, for many life has changed and stress levels may be running high. So for a few minutes each day, take some deep breaths and asses how you are feeling. Are you feeling happy? Grateful? Overwhelmed? Or maybe sad? Whatever the feeling may be, it’s okay and embracing how you feel using your breathing will help you understand your mental wellbeing. If you feel that you are struggling, there is lots of help available so be sure to reach out.

4. You don’t need a gym or lots of equipment to workout.
It’s always great to be able to visit the gym, go for a swim or attend a spin class but to burn a few calories all you need is a little bit of space and some self-motivation, that’s it! If you’re not confident with structuring a workout, why not try an online training session or join one of our live workouts.
We can guarantee we will get you sweating and laughing, all in 30 minutes.

5. Be kind to yourself.
Although this is number five on our practical tips list, it does not mean that it should be last priority. In a matter of a few weeks, we have had to become IT technicians, teachers, full time child minders, chefs, psychologists and pretty much entrepreneurs in our homes, so if you can’t stick to the exact routine, or the kids are a little behind with school work, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is to stay and healthy well, so cut yourself some slack.



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