Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeCOMMENTCOMMENT: Supporting our young athletes!

COMMENT: Supporting our young athletes!

This month, West Kent Sport & Wellbeing’s Publishing Editor Steve Rowley, is shining the spotlight on two young sports stars who are on the verge of international greatness in their respective disciplines, but they still need your help!

Dreams are the driving force that fuels young athletes’ determination and passion. Aspiring athletes often face numerous challenges, from training costs to equipment expenses, that can hinder their progress. Sponsoring an aspiring athlete is not just an act of philanthropy; it’s a powerful way to help someone achieve their dreams while contributing to the growth of sports as a whole.

With that statement fresh in your mind, please let me introduce you to Tori Sellors and Issy Fassnidge, two young local athletes, who are just months away from competing in the Women’s Rugby World Cup and the Winter Olympics respectively. Tori and Issy are training exceptionally hard in their field to make it happen for themselves, and both whilst studying at universities for their degrees, giving them very little time for anything else, such as working part-time.

However this is where you come in; one of the primary ways you can help Tori and Issy, is to provide financial support, thereby alleviating their financial burden, and allowing them to focus on their training and development.

Sponsorship is not a short-term commitment; it’s an investment in their future, and with your support, they can develop their skills and potentially reach the highest levels of competition. By sponsoring an aspiring athlete like Tori or Issy, you are contributing to a cycle of support and inspiration. Your act of generosity will inspire the athlete to give back to the sports community when they achieve success. They may become mentors, coaches, or sponsors themselves, creating a positive ripple effect within the sports world.

• If you feel that you are able to assist either Tori or Issy in their next sporting chapter, then please do get in touch with us at and we will connect you with our local sporting stars.



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