Our readers

The West Kent Sport & Wellbeing reader is active, enjoys the outdoors, has many hobbies and is actively engaged with their community. They are well educated, with top ABC employment and an above average disposable income.

Our readers are key influencers and decision makers and they are passionate, enthusiastic and loyal. In December 2018, we compiled extensive feedback from our own market research and found that our readers are:

  • 51% Male
  • 49% Female
  • with an average age of 40


  • 92% of readers pick up a copy every month, with…
  • a massive 73% keeping a copy of the magazine indefinitely,
  • a further 16% say that they keep the magazine for a few months, and…
  • 93% of those who do not keep a copy, actively pass it on for someone else to read

A closer look at the local area
Sport England reported that 83% of the local population are physically active, with 32% of them regularly spectating in local sporting events. Added to this, nearly a quarter of the community have volunteered in some way to assist a local sports club or event over the last 12 months.

Furthermore, some important statistics regarding the region state that:

  • 84% of the local area are employed in the top ABC jobs with…
  • 72.3% receiving an income between £20,800 and at least £80,600 per annum, whilst…
  • 72.7% of households across the Sevenoaks District are owner-occupiers with 42% owning their home outright